Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1088,
Russellville, AL 35653
Physical Address:
14131 Highway 43,
Russellville, AL 35653
Phone: 256.332.1881
Fax: 256.332.1883
Circulation Information
The Franklin County Times is published on Saturday and Wednesday each week, with a free distribution TMC product published each Wednesday.
The Franklin County Times and Times Plus reaches 10,000 homes each Wednesday and 3,000 each Saturday.
The Franklin County Times has been Franklin County’s source for news since 1879.
Terms of Payment
The Franklin County Times advertising statements are due and payable on or before the 10th of the month following publication.
Copy Regulation
We request that all ads be Macintosh formatted and sent on one of the following: 3 1/2 floppy disk, Zip 100, CD Rom, or e-mail.
All advertising subject to approval of the publisher.
Every effort will be made to meet reasonable position requests, but no position guarantees will be made.
In the event of errors, liability will be limited to supplying a correction letter and re-run for the actual space occupied by the error in the next paper.
Retail Rates
* All rates are subject to change with 30 days notice.
National Rate – Paid Paper —
Wednesday $10.66
Open Rate $12.07
Includes Classifieds Plus
This rate is for one time or infrequent advertisers.
Weekly Display Rate —
Daily Display Rate $12.07
Weekly Display Rate $21.40
Pre-Printed Insert Rates —
Distribute your inserts at a fraction of the mailing cost with guaranteed delivery on the day you choose!
$50 per 1,000
Shipping address for inserts:
Franklin County Times
14131 Hwy. 43.
Russellville, AL 35653
Color Rates
Color in newspaper advertising averages 42% more dollars in the cash register than the same ad in black and white. Use color and increase the pulling power of your advertising.
Color $1.50/column inch
Process color $150/page
National Color Rate $65/page
Internet Advertising —
Leaderboard 728×90 pixels………………$300 per month
Billboard 300×250 pixels…………………$315 per month
Skyscraper 160×600 pixels……………….$285 per month
Weather 262×46 pixels………………….$200 per month
Square Button 180×150 pixels…………..$100 per month
Special Sections —
January ——- Bridal Section
February —— Progress Edition
March ——— Garden & Home Improvement
April ——— Spring Car Care
May ———– Graduation Section
June ———- Medical Directory
July ———- Faces and Places magazine
August ——– Watermelon Festival & Football magazine
September —– How to Guide
October —— Fall Car Care
November —— Holiday Gift Guide
December —— Christmas Greetings
Classified Rates
* All rates are subject to change with 30 days notice.
Rate —
$2.52 per line Four Line Minimum
$2.20 per line Second Run
$1.10 per line Shopper
Classified Display —
This is any ad that runs six or less consecutive publications.
First Run $8.69
Second Run $4.86
Display Consistency —
This is any ad that runs seven or more consecutive publications.
Legal Rates*
* All rates are subject to change with 30 days notice.
Legal Advertising 30¢ per word
Advertising Deadlines
Publication Day > Deadline
Wednesday > Monday at 12:00 p.m.
Saturday > Thursday at 3:00 p.m.
A page is 21 inches deep.
There are 126 inches per page.
Minimum ad size is one column by one inch.
Ads over 19 inches will be billed at a full page depth.
Retail Columns
Standard Advertising Unit (SAU) sizes are used with six – 1.575″ columns and 1/8″ space between columns.
One Column 1.575″
Two Column 3.26″
Three Column 4.945″
Four Column 6.63″
Five Column 8.315″
Six Column 10″
Classified Columns
Standard Classified Advertising Unit sizes are used with ten – .978″ columns and 1/10″ space between columns.
One Column 0.978″
Two Column 1.971″
Three Column 2.977″
Four Column 3.978″
Five Column 4.977″
Six Column 5.975″
Seven Column 6.973″
Eight Column 7.982″
Nine Column 8.991″
Ten Column 10″
Contact Us
For more information on retail advertising, contact Peggy Hyde, Angie Williams or Jonathan Willis at 256.332.1881.
For more information on classified advertising, contact Nicole Pell at 256.332.1881 extension 15.