Carter, DuBose
By Staff
David and Dollie Carter of Meridian announce the engagement of their daughter, Alicia Tyann, to Cedric Dshawn DuBose, son of Robbie and Nellie DuBose of Meridian.
The wedding will he held Saturday, July 14, 2001, at 3 p.m. at Freedom Rock Christian Fellowship Church.
Miss Carter is the granddaughter of Cammie Carter of Meridian and the late Miles Carter and Alice and Carlie Johnson of Magee.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Meridian High School. She received a bachelor's degree in biology from Alcorn State University and received an associate's degree in nursing from Meridian Community College.
Miss Carter is employed by Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center.
The bridegroom-elect is the grandson of the late Willie and Corine Davis of Meridian and Nida Hatcher of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mr. DuBose is a graduate of Meridian High School. He is employed with Carver Middle School and serves as youth minister at Freedom Rock Christian Fellowship Church.
A reception will be held at the Council of Organization Building following the ceremony. Family and friends are invited to attend.