County approves polling devices
The Franklin County Commission passed a vote Monday that will change the way Franklin County citizens will be voting in upcoming elections.
Instead of the customary paper ballots, Franklin County will now use electronic, iPad-like poll pads from the company KNOWiNK. According to FC Commission Chairman Barry Moore, Secretary of State John Merrill contacted him last week and offered to give the county 18 electronic polling units.
“Getting these units from the secretary of state is cost saving,” Moore said.
The county will pay for the software for the 18 units, which will amount to $8,910. The county will also purchase 12 additional units and software for $10,200 and fund one day of on-site training for $1,500.
Partial reimbursement will bring the county’s total down to about $11,055.
To use the poll pads, voters will scan their picture ID or use a name search option to locate their information.
Printed ballots will still be on hand in case of an electronic or device emergency.
“I think a lot of counties are going to use this method,” Moore said.
Other actions taken at the meeting included:
- Approving the EMA director to proceed with a new mass notification system.
- Approving the Solid Waste director to sign the Caterpillar Equipment Service Contract.
- Approving Brent Wells to be a deputy sheriff and school resource officer.
- Approving the promotion of Shane Oliver to deputy sheriff.
- Approving the advertisement for a corrections officer/dispatcher in the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.
- Approving the permanent employment of Tracey Norris, Hunter Butler and Samantha Hollins to the FCSO.
- Approving the temporary hire of Bailey Moats and Blake Bishop to the highway department.
- Approving the resolutions for upcoming state and federal aid projects on County Road 77 and County Road 60.
- Approving the Oak Hills CDBG Permanent Drainage Easements.
- Approving the highway department to seek bids for equipment repair on a chip spreader.
- Approving one ATRIP invoice for Ivy Branch.
- Approving a three-year contract with Ameriprise Service for a uniform/mat bid.
- Approving Scott Wigginton to place the Franklin County Career Technical Center cabinet in the courthouse.
- Approving commissioner David Hester to be the primary 2018-2019 ACCA Legislative Committee Appointee and commissioner Jason Miller to be the secondary appointee.
- Approving the signing of a letter of support for the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce to apply for a $2,500 bicentennial grant. If awarded, the money from the grant will go toward the artwork for the 38th annual Watermelon Festival.