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franklin county times

Sunday, Nov. 17, 2002

By Staff
Stonewall story: An excellent job'
To the editor:
I want to say a big thank you to Fredie Carmichael and The Meridian Star for the article on Stonewall ("Stonewall: A town in transition," Nov. 10). It was an excellent job.
I am originally from Stonewall and worked myself at Burlington in the early to mid 1970s. All of my family worked there as well. My father worked there 51 years beginning in 1915. Richard, my youngest brother, spent 24 years employed at Burlington until it shut down in March of this year. It is truly sad to see the situation that continues in Stonewall and all of Clarke County.
Also, Mr. Carmichael did an excellent job detailing the history of the town as well as highlighting the plight of the community now that Burlington no longer is there is provide not only jobs but also tax revenue.
Again, thank you to Mr. Carmichael and the entire staff of The Meridian Star for a job well done. May God bless you is my prayer.
Dennis Coats
How about an in vain' campaign?
To the editor:
I would like to issue a challenge to each of you to open your ears and become aware of something that is going on all around us. This time last year we were bombarded with "God Bless America," "In God We Trust," and the "Under God" issue involving the Pledge of Allegiance.
In the time of a national crisis we felt closer to God. His name was freely used to show our allegiance to the God in heaven, whom we serve. We had Christians all over the country rise in anger when it was suggested that we remove the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.
I have become aware that there is an area of the Lord's name that we totally neglect to become angry over when it is abused.
In the workplace, at the mall, in social situations, and in the home, I hear Christians using the Lord's name without cause. "Oh, God," "My God," "God, no," and "Jesus Christ" are phrases that roll off our tongues without our even knowing it came out.
Many of the same folks who were up in the air about the words "under God" being removed, let the Lord's name slip out of their mouths when they become upset or as a reaction to absolutely nothing. The Bible calls this "taking the Lord's name in vain."
The thing that disturbs me so much about the misuse of the Lord's name is that our children are using His name in vain because they have heard their parents using it so frequently. I would like for you to begin today monitoring your own mouth and become aware of how often you use His name without the knowledge that it came out of your mouth.
Perk up your ears and become aware of how often you hear others using His name in vain. You would be surprised at how our Lord's name has merely become a figure of speech.
How about beginning an "In Vain Campaign." Let it begin with your mouth to use God's name in the manner in which it was intended. Give His name a place of reverence and holiness in your life.
Beverly Henson
Fed up with filth on TV
To the editor:
On Nov. 20, CBS will air its Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in an attempt to win the November sweeps race. Calling it a "fashion show," CBS plans to discard any semblance of TV decency in exchange for ratings.
CBS has placed its desire for a specified demographic target ahead of the greater public interest. Television programming is getting filthier every day and will not clean up unless we, the viewers and advertisers, take a stand for morality.
I encourage you to contact CBS and your local CBS station and let them know that we, the consumers, are fed up with this filth.
I guess it all boils down to money  the root of all evil.
Paul Hand
My College Cares' a wonderful project
To the editor:
What a wonderful service project is the Meridian Community College "My College Cares" Day. I would like to thank those students and instructors who participated in re-sealing Planet Playground. The playground must be re-sealed every year to keep the wood in good condition, and it was so nice to have this philanthropic group to seal it for us.
The children of Meridian and Lauderdale County thank you.
Elizabeth Little
No parking!
To the editor:
I have a big complaint. I work at The Meridian Star newspaper as a sales executive. We go in and out of the newspaper all day long making sales calls. We are busy people. We do not have time to sit and watch the clock to see if we have been parked outside our building for one hour or more.
If we have been outside our building in one spot for more than one hour then we get a parking ticket for $6. That happens usually more than once per week for most of us in sales, offices or the news department. By the time we get several tickets per month we have paid the city to work here. That just does not make a whole lot of sense to me.
I thought that Meridian wanted to grow but why would people want to move here to work and live if they have to pay the city to work downtown. Come on people, wake up find a way that we won't have to get tickets to park where we work.
Ruth Howell
Dr. Anderson's family expresses gratitude to community
To the editor:
As the family of Dr. William J. Anderson III, we would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to so many for their prayers, support and encouragement during his illness and subsequent passing. You all have touched our lives in such special ways.
To the countless friends of the family and former patients of Dr. Anderson, your presence was more than encouraging. The prayers offered up on Dr. Bill's behalf and for the benefit of our family were an unending source of strength. No greater gift could have been given and we coveted each and every one. To all of you, we are deeply indebted.
To the members and staff of Highland Baptist Church, thank you seems so inadequate. Your ministry gave each of us rest and resolve. Again, we are deeply indebted.
To the physicians, nurses and entire staff of Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center, words cannot express the deep gratitude we have for all that you have done. If tireless effort and heartfelt compassion alone could change the course of events, then Dr. Bill would be with us today. You are, and always will be, second to none. To all of you we remain deeply indebted.
The family of Dr. William J. Anderson III
Article got a great response for Carver band
To the editor:
I want to thank you for printing the article on our band instruments at Carver Middle School. We have had so many friends of youth to respond to the article and to the needs of our students and band program. We have received a total of 37 instruments and financial donations of $6,750 for the repair and purchase of instruments.
We had a visit from U.S. Rep. Chip Pickering. We had a phone call and donation from former U.S. Rep. G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery, and letters and phone calls from all over the state of Mississippi. This was made possible by The Meridian Star and its widespread circulation.
The students, parents, teachers and administrators at Carver Middle School are truly appreciative of your help and interest in the band program at our school.
Thanks a million.
Robert M. Markham
Carver Middle School
