Local Digest
By Staff
Oct. 9, 2001
Weems conducts free depression screenings
Thursday is National Depression Screening Day. Weems Community Mental Health Center will offer confidential depression screenings. The screenings are available at no cost and drop-ins are welcome.
Weems clinicians will be available to discuss results of the screenings. For information, call 483-4821.
Make-A-Wish to meet in Meridian
The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Mississippi will have its monthly Meridian volunteer luncheon Thursday from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. at Rush Medical Group, 6th floor board room.
Reservations must be made by Wednesday by calling Volunteer Coordinator Lynn Conerly at (800) 819-4072.
Anyone interested in becoming a new Make-A-Wish volunteer may attend the orientation session beginning at 11:30 a.m.
Calvary Christian School hosts Fall Festival
Calvary Christian School will hold its Fall Festival from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Friday.
The family fun night will include face painting, cake walk, dunking booth and many other games for kids. Fried catfish plates will cost $6.50 for adults and $4.50 children 12 and under.
For information, call the school at 483-2305.
Revolving loan funds available for businesses
East Central Planning and Development District has money to lend new and expanding businesses within the district. Revolving loan fund programs are available to help create private sector jobs for businesses and industries within Clarke, Jasper, Kemper, Lauderdale, Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott and Smith counties.
These funds were made available by the Economic Development Administration, the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Rural Development Administration, the State of Mississippi and by the counties of East Central Mississippi.
For information, contact the district office at P.O. Box, Newton, MS 39345 or call (601) 683-2007.
Sam Dale VFD holding annual barbecue
The Sam Dale Volunteer Fire Department will have its 23rd annual barbecue from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday at the Sam Dale Park in Daleville.
Enjoy live music, finger printing booth for children, a cake walk and other booths. Raffle tickets will be on sale.
Genealogy fair to be held in Jackson
Family Research Association of Mississippi (FRA) will host the 4th annual Genealogy Fair from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday at the Agriculture &Forestry Museum in Jackson.
The meeting will be in the forestry auditorium of the museum on Lakeland Drive at I-55 North.
Exhibitors include, genealogical authors, publishers, family histories by FRA members, genealogical and historical societies.
Free admission and parking. For information, call Ronnie McGinnie at (601) 981-2277.
Salvation Army holds Christmas registration
The Salvation Army will take applications for needy families seeking Christmas assistance. Applications will be accepted 10a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 15-20.
Applicants must bring the following:
Photo identification;
Identification for everyone in the household. Adults need driver's license, picture ID or Social Security card. Children need birth certificate or Medicaid card and Social Security card;
Proof of residence lease, utility bill or rent receipt; and
Proof of income check subs, Social Security, food stamps, child support, unemployment or retirement.
Applicants must apply in person at the Salvation Army office, 117 Sixth Ave. For information, call 483-6156.
St. Patrick hosts annual fall festival
St. Patrick School will host its annual Fall Carnival and Spaghetti Dinner on Oct. 27 in the St. Patrick Family Life Center, next to the school at 2700 Davis St. in Meridian.
The event will be from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Admission is $1 each, with a maximum of $5 per family. The carnival will feature food, lots of fun games, a costume contest, a haunted house and much more.
Spaghetti dinners will be served from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. and cost $5 a plate. Take-outs are available, and orders of 10 or more plates can be delivered.
Macon hosts Dancing Rabbit Festival
The 15th Annual Dancing Rabbit Festival will be from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Oct. 27 in Macon.
The festival will include arts and crafts, a petting zoo, children's rides, talent show and the first annual bike show and poker run.
Featured entertainment will be include Bennie Anderson and the Drifters; DA Capo Ministries featuring John Yates; and Willie Earl King and the Liberators.
For booth or talent applications call, Noxubee County Chamber of Commerce at (662) 726-4456 or (800) 487-0165.