Enjoy hot drinks during cold weather
She Says
Whether you’re a fan of winter weather or can’t wait for spring to finally arrive, it’s likely you enjoy a hot drink from time to time.
Are you more of a hot chocolate kind of person? Or perhaps you prefer tea or coffee. Whatever it is that tickles your fancy, there’s doubtless a wide variety of ways to make it and certainly plenty of room to experiment and see if you can find a new favorite.
Take this time to try something different and perchance discover a new way to enjoy winter weather.
Some prefer water, while others insist your favorite milk or nondairy milk alternative is the way to go for optimum taste and texture.
Try adding cinnamon, chicory or nutmeg for a special extra flavor. I enjoy a bit of cinnamon if the proportions are right. If you’re a fan of spicy drinks, you might like a recipe with cayenne pepper but be careful how much you add until you’re sure you like it that way.
It’s been a while since I’ve had any, but I prefer hot chocolate made with some type of nondairy milk, preferably soy milk or oat milk, and I have had cayenne pepper varieties I enjoyed.
Miniature marshmallows can make a nice topping, and some people like to add whipped cream, though that’s not my favorite.
From tisanes (which technically aren’t tea but are enjoyed the same way — think herbal “tea”) to green tea, white tea, black tea and more, there are many types, brands and special varieties of hot tea to try.
Make sure to let the tea steep long enough before you try it and be sure to prepare it at the proper temperature. Recommendations are usually found on packaging, and lots of free information is available in libraries and online. While you can use a microwave, I recommend using a kettle, either a stovetop variety or an electric kettle.
If you want less caffeine, you might like a green tea or a tisane. For caffeine lovers, perhaps a black tea. I often enjoy an English breakfast tea in the morning and a Darjeeling tea in the afternoon, both black teas. Green tea can be a soothing alternative as well, and I have often enjoyed combining it with ginger, coconut milk and a bit of honey. It can be a soothing combination, but it requires tweaking to find the perfect mix for you.
Some people prefer coffee hot and strong, with nothing added to it, but others like to add creamers and other types of flavoring to change the taste. I often enjoy an oat milk latte. Even if you add nothing to it, the taste can vary depending on the type of oat milk used and other factors. It’s not sweet, but it’s pleasant. Other times, I enjoy a mocha latte, which includes chocolate.
Plain coffee is also nice if it’s the right kind. In addition to trying different types, there’s a wide variety of ways to make it. If I make it at home, I like to use a French press. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to quickly make a small amount of fresh coffee.
If you aren’t familiar with how this works, consider looking into the process and decide if it might be an option you want to try. It’s not just about the drinks themselves, but also about enjoying a pleasant atmosphere when you can, and taking a few moments to embrace calm in the chaos of daily life.
What are your favorite hot drinks? If you haven’t tried any lately, maybe this is the right time to revisit the possibilities and start your journey of exploring the wonderful world of hot drinks. You just might discover you like something you wouldn’t have expected. And if the do-it-yourself approach is not your style, consider trying some of the options available at a local business right here in Franklin County.