Always be prepared for winter weather
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Although we don’t have extreme winter weather in the same way as some places, we still need to be prepared as well as we can in our corner of Alabama.
The American Red Cross advises having a plan to stay warm indoors to prevent hypothermia and frostbite. Make sure you can heat your home safely and consider that a power outage could be an issue.
Organize a supply kit for staying at home, as well as one with at least three days of supplies you can carry with you in case you need to leave where you are.
The Red Cross recommends having a plan to check on loved ones and neighbors to ensure they will be warm and having sufficient food and water and other necessities, especially older people and those with young children.
Other advice includes making sure to dress warmly, wearing layers of loose clothing, including hats, mittens, gloves and weather-appropriate shoes, as well as the recommendation to make a plan about where to go if your home becomes too cold.
It’s also important to have enough water, food and medicine before a winter storm hits. Travel might not be safe, and stores could be closed. Have some cash available in case digital payments aren’t an option.
Other recommendations include: Have a battery-powered radio to use if the power goes out.
Keep medical, financial and other personal records in hard copies and make sure they are easy to access. For electronic documents, make sure they are securely backed up.
Have a shovel and melting products to keep walkways safe.
Learn first aid and CPR, including how to treat hypothermia and frostbite.
Install and test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors with battery back-ups.
These are just some general guidelines. Spend time considering the needs of your individual situation and plan accordingly ahead of time so you can weather the winter as safely and comfortably as possible.