Try something new this Halloween
We Say
Ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties … All Hallows’ Eve is upon us. There’s right at a week left before everyone’s favorite fright night – which is plenty of time for you to make the most of it this year.
On some level, Halloween is the same every year. Trick or treating, bobbing for apples, donning funny or scary costumes, enjoying haunted events – tradition is tradition for a reason, and observing the same rituals and customs at an annual event can be a reassuring thing.
On the other hand, variety is known as the spice of life for a reason. Shaking things up can give a new flavor and bring greater enjoyment. This is especially true if your standard habits have started to taste a little stale.
Do you dare try something new? Maybe you never wear a costume; this year, go pick out something fun and give it a go. Maybe this year you try a community trunk or treat instead of taking the kids door to door in your neighborhood. Do you always do crazy decorations? Maybe this year you opt for a simple Jack-o’lantern. Or maybe you never decorate, but this is the year you get the 12-foot skeletons for the front yard.
Buy the full-size candy bars for once – or, give out a non-candy treat, even though you never have before. Skip the chili you usually make every Halloween in favor of ordering pizza or hitting a local restaurant. Watch a scary movie you’ve never seen. Host a night of ghost storytelling. Wear a scary mask to work and see how long it takes for your coworkers to figure out it’s you.
You never know what new trick or treat might become an annual favorite. This might be the first year for a new treasured tradition. Alternatively, if you try something new this year and hate it, why, you can always go back to the way things were.
Even though it might be a little scary, try something new this spooky season. What’s the worst that could happen?