Book Lovers Study Club holds final meeting of year
Cheri McCain used beautiful spring decorations for table centerpieces on the serving tables. Nancy Foster prepared a delicious meal consisting of chicken casserole; Mandarin orange pretzel salad; rolls; Ranch bread; Italian Cream Cake Trifle; summertime tea and regular iced tea. Members gave Gayle McAlister birthday cards for her 80th birthday celebration.
Brenda Oliver conducted the installation of 2024-2026 GFWC Book Lovers Study Club officers. For the installation, she chose the club’s colors—purple and gold. Each officer received a rose as she accepted the responsibility of her designated office. The officers are Gayle McAlister, president; Patricia Cox, vice president; Shelia Upchurch, recording secretary; Ponda Gordon, Corresponding Secretary; Ginger Saylor, treasurer; Cheri McCain, parliamentarian; Lela Ray, historian.
At the 129th Annual GFWC Alabama Convention Book Lovers Study Club won several awards. Cheri McCain shared the certificates with the club members. She explained that various types of awards are given annually for the overall best reports based on membership category. There are five different categories broken down by women’s club’s size, ranging from 10 members to 51+ plus members. A narrative report is required to be eligible for awards.
Book Lovers Study Club received the Suellen Brazil Outstanding Club Award. Suellen has served as AFWC President, AFWC Junior Director and board member of the Alabama Federation of Women’s Club. This award is given annually to recognize outstanding achievements by the state’s most distinguished club.
Members recognized included Susie Malone as the recipient of the GFWC Jennie Award for both Alabama and the Southern Region winner. Deb Stranowski GFWC International President informed recently provided notice that she had been selected as one of the top eight finalists. The GFWC Jennie Award is the only national honor bestowed by GFWC to recognize individual members for personal excellence. She will be honored at the GFWC International Convention in Chicago at “A Night of Hope and Dreams” Gala. Also attending the International Convention will be Cheri McCain; Patricia Cox; Brenda Oliver; and Gayle McAlister.
Another highlight of the convention will be the installation of Suellen Brazil as GFWC International President—the first Alabamian to receive this honor.