Marriages, Records
January Marriage Licenses
Jan. 2
Timothy Evan Curtis to Amy Beth Hester
Arnulfo Lucindo Carrillo to Yomara Hortencia Vasquez
Jan. 3
Jesus Betancourt-Garcia to Paola Guadal Perez-Lopez
Jan. 9
Mason Scott Webster to Alanis Jade Durrett
Jan. 12
Amanda Helaine Kimbrough to Billy Wayne Hawkins
Clinton Edward Karushis to Kimberly Renae Martin
Jan. 24
Sarah Diane Coleman to William Isaac Shelton
Jan. 25
Robert Wesley Hyde to Jennifer Welch
Jan. 26
Whitney Michelle Smith to James Matthew Richardson
Jan. 29
Jessica Dawn Harris to Brandon Wayne Hall
Jan. 30
Kathryn Ruby Marshall to Cody Trivette