Franklin Living offers something for everyone
If you haven’t had a chance to pick up a copy of our most recent magazine, the July/August issue of Franklin Living, you have been missing out. From financial matters to watermelon recipes, travels of Franklin County folks abroad and more, there’s sure to plenty to hold your interest.
Other gems include a focus on faith, reading recommendations, children enjoying summer, Faces of Franklin County (you just might spot yourself or someone you know!) and an article about becoming a master gardener. Have you been trying new recipes, traveling or otherwise enjoying the great outdoors, either in Franklin County or elsewhere this summer?
As the season marches forward, advertisements of back-to-school shopping are already popping up, highlighting the dwindling days of summer remaining before a return to school. We hope you’re having a wonderful summer and that you’re taking time to enjoy the things you love, discover new favorites and spend quality time with those close to you.
You just might get an idea from Franklin Living about a new book to read, place to travel or otherwise learn something new. If you are a subscriber, you should have received a copy in your regular newspaper last week.
Copies are free and are available from one of the many yellow boxes we have around the county or at our office (#7 in the Byars Building, across the street from the courthouse).
Before you know it, dreams of fall will become reality, and while we’re thinking on that topic, let us know if you have any suggestions for possible features for our upcoming magazines, the September/October issue and the November/December issue or a suggestion for newspaper coverage. Call us at 256-332-1881 or email if you have a question or suggestion.