Club Chronicles: Red Cross, NFL team up for blood donations
This January marks the 45th Annual National Blood Donor Month.
The month serves to recognize the life-saving contribution blood and platelet donors make to modern healthcare.
Donating blood saves many lives and improves the health for many people. According to the World Health Organization, “blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person – the gift of life.”
According to the American Red Cross, winter is one of the most difficult times to collect enough blood products to meet patient needs. The reason is busy schedules; bad weather that results in canceled blood drives; and seasonal illnesses such as the flu, which prevent potential donors from making donations.
The American Red Cross needs 13,000 blood donations every single day to maintain an appropriate blood supply. About 38 percent of the U.S. population can donate blood – but only 10 percent actually does.
The American Red Cross and the National Football League are teaming up this January to urge individuals – especially those who have recovered from COVID-19 – to give blood and to help convalescent plasma shortage. Individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 might have antibodies in their plasma that could boost a patient’s immune system, which is needed to beat the virus.
Those who donate blood or platelets this January will be automatically entered to win two tickets to next year’s Super Bowl LVI in Los Angeles.
In addition, those who donate Jan. 1-20 will be entered to win the “Big Game at Home” package for a viewing experience safely at home, with a 65-inch television and a $500 gift card to put toward food and fun.
All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. Requirements include a blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification. Individuals who are 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood.
Coordinating a community blood drive is an excellent way to bring people together and save lives. Community blood drives are sponsored by a specific group or organization and are open to the public. Community blood drives are held at churches, schools and other public venues.
Additional information and details are available at