Club Chronicles: DKG Alpha Upsilon embraces unique communication
Delta Kappa Gamma Alpha Upsilon Chapter members have been meeting monthly since October – not in person but through newsletters that were either mailed, emailed or delivered.
In spite of the importance of members coming together for monthly meetings, the health and safety of our members is more crucial. Therefore, the chapter officers selected the newsletter as their method of communicating with members during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This form of communication aligns with the DKG state and international levels.
The 2020-2021 yearbooks were printed and delivered to each member in October. The yearbook included contact information, important program topics and projects.
The monthly newsletter began in October.
Each newsletter featured many of the elements of a typical meeting, such as an inspirational thought, moment of society orientation, program overview and other components. Alpha Upsilon secretary Debbie Beason and president Karen Townsend have been coordinating the collection of articles, printing of the newsletter and distribution.
The newsletter also features club information from Karen as well as the letters from the state and the international DKG presidents.
Inspirational thoughts for October through December were presented by Dianne Pace, Judy Evett and Debbie Nale, and DKG Moments of Society Orientation were presented by Karen, Sandy Gibson and myself.
The October program topic was “Women Educators Navigating Unprecedented Educational Challenges.” Karen Mitchell, chairwoman, shared methods area teachers were using to modify instructional challenges during the pandemic.
The November program topic was “Legislative Issues Impacting Education.” Information related to current legislative issues affecting educators was included in the newsletter.
December program chairwoman Rebecca Massey highlighted the World Fellowship Program. This scholarship program began in 1946, developed to help women educators in Europe after WWII to pursue educational opportunities in Canada and the USA. Since then DKG has awarded 963 scholarships to women from 122 countries. The value of the scholarship is $4,000.
Usually Alpha Upsilon holds a silent auction to raise money to support the World Fellowship Program. Since members did not get to meet for the annual Christmas dinner meeting, they were asked to send their contributions to Debbie Nale, treasurer.
The first of 2021, Alpha Upsilon officers will meet to decide whether it will be safe to meet in person for the spring meetings or to continue communications through the newsletter.
From the members of DKG Alpha Upsilon to everyone, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!