Marriages, Records
April 2020 Marriage Licenses
These are the marriages license reports for April.
April 6
Jonathan Bolton to Michelle Wrona
Danny Borden to Erin Putman
April 7
Thomas Murray to Lauren Reynolds
April 8
Robert Herron to Crystal McClelland
April 9
Joshua Williams to Carol Moody
April 13
Alexandria Jackson to Brandon White
Ryan Messamore to Tammy Taylor
April 16
Jarrett Hovater to Amanda Barton
April 17
Dennis Raper to Angela Stanford
Joshua Trapp to Summer Ford
April 20
John Plemons to Joyce Odom
Rickey Wren to Connie Anderson
April 22
Jacob Presley to Courtney Boyles
Ethan Hammock to Bridgette Summerlin
April 28
Thomas Allison to Trinity Valentine