Phil Campbell City Council meets July 2
The Phil Campbell City Council met at 7 p.m. July 2. Mayor Steve Bell and all city council members – Danny Brown, Lynn Landers, Mike McQuary, Eddie Barton and Jim Cartee – were present.
From a fairly short agenda, the council discussed and acted on several items.
A backhoe injector pump has stopped working, and the council discussed whether to repair or replace. The council voted to repair. With labor, the cost is $1,000, and the work is guaranteed for a year.
The council is working to determine whether there are enough properties in the city –currently six or seven have been identified – to be demolished to qualify the city to apply for a grant.
Jack Caddwell was present regarding an ongoing situation in which a neighbor is continuing to park cars on Caddwell’s property against his wishes. The city sent a letter to the neighbor allowing 20 days to take action, and the city’s understanding is that the neighbor is making plans to have the cars moved.
The council also discussed a request from W.G. Cochran, who wishes to put a modular home on his property. Cochran was not present at the meeting. The council discussed what is properly termed a modular home versus a trailer and made plans to investigate the zoning issues that are involved in the matter and seek legal advice to be sure what is and is not allowed.
The Phil Campbell City Council meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
The next meeting will be July 16.