Cultura members enjoy Cedar Lake, award poster winners
In recognition of Doris Woodruff’s 91st birthday, she was given a birthday cake and a lifetime membership in the Garden Club of Alabama Inc.
Special guests Jill Adams and Debra Spillers were welcomed.
For the program Debbie Nale demonstrated how to make hanging wreaths economically. The wreath she made was used as a door prize.
Carol Dykes gave the institute on the Arbor Day Foundation. The mission of the Arbor Day Foundation is to inspire people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. Mrs. Dykes recently joined and received a bundle of free trees, which she shared with members. She brought a leaf identification key and tree color code chart to help identify each individual tree. For more information visit
Nale, fundraising chairman, reported the club’s spring plant sale was very successful.
Hillary Hall, president, reported on the Spring District I meeting held at Turtle Point Country Club. The district meeting program was “The Power of Flowers,” with designer Carl Casiday of Lola’s Gifts & Flowers.
A report was given on the Cultura Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Poster local Contest. The winners were:
- First grade: Jonalyn Thorn, first place; Alex Velasquez, second place; and Angel Cabailero, third place
- Second grade: Macy Hall, first; Eduardo Jose Matias, second place; and Ava Whitman, third place
- Third grade: Maria Vela, first place; McKayla Sandoval, second place; and Titum Bishop, third place
- Fourth grade: Madi Willis, first place; Catherine Hall, second place; and Madison Venutri, third place
- Fifth grade: Emily Ruiz, first place; Kathlyn Willis, second place; and Lisa Jose Matias, third place
These students were given cash awards: first place, $20; second place, $15; and third place, $10.
The posters of the students winning first place were sent The Garden Club of Alabama Inc. for state and NGC regional competition. The Russellville City School System had four students to win state and NGC regional awards for their Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Poster entry. They were:
- Jonalyn Thorn, West Elementary, first grade: The Garden Club of Alabama, first place, and NGC Deep South Poster Contest, first place, $25
- Macy Hall, West Elementary, second grade: The Garden Club of Alabama, first place
- Madi Willis, Russellville Elementary, fourth grade: The Garden Club of Alabama, second place
- Emily Ruiz, Russellville Elementary, fifth grade: The Garden Club of Alabama, first place, and NGC Deep South Poster Contest, second place
The Garden Club of Alabama Inc. Annual Convention was held April 7-9 at The Wynfrey Hotel in Birmingham. Cultura Garden Club received third place for the Civic Improvement and Beautification Award; The Club of Distinction Award; and the Honorable Mention Yearbook Award.
The members’ highlight of the meeting was a pontoon ride on the lake. They enjoyed the beautiful scenery, smooth water, the gorgeous sunset and observation of an eagle guarding its nest.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.