County seeks census workers
The countdown to the 2020 census has begun, and the Franklin County Commission is putting together a committee for the upcoming process.
April 1, 2020, is the designated Census Day. By April 2020, households will receive an invitation to participate in the census.
The Franklin County Commission already has a list of names of people who can help with the census, but they need more.
“This is a very crucial and important time,” said Commission Chairman and Probate Judge Barry Moore.
Commissioner Jason Miller said the commission is waiting to hear back about possible volunteers from a few places, like the county school system. Commissioners agreed the school systems and the churches are key elements to reaching a large portion of the population, especially the Hispanic population in the county.
One concern Moore said people often have is how much information is going to be requested on the census forms. He said he is working on getting a copy of the questions so everyone will know what to expect. The commission is hoping to alleviate concerns so everyone will participate in this census, which happens every 10 years.
“There’s a lot at stake as far as grants and such,” said Miller.
Moore added the number of representatives or congressional delegates the county gets is influenced by the census.
It is the commission’s plan to work with all of the mayors and city councils in the county to tackle this important issue.
April 1, 2020, participants will have three options to respond to the census questionnaire: online, by phone or by mail. When completing the census, participants must note where they live. Events across the country will take place that day.