Citizenship program comes to county schools
A representative from the Liberty Learning Foundation made a special trip the Franklin County Commission work session April 8. Regional Vice President of Development Tricia Bobo presented the Liberty Learning Citizenship Program to the commission, a program targeted to be implemented into the county school system in fall 2019.
“They’ve done very well in the city schools and are now working with the county schools,” said Commission Chairman Barry Moore.
Bobo explained the Liberty Learning Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides a civic-based program with three pillars: character education, financial literacy and career awareness.
“We are super excited to bring it to the Franklin County Schools this fall,” she said.
They will be implementing the second-grade program in all of the county schools, which amounts to about 350 students. The program comes with a cost of $36 per student, totaling $12,600.
“Part of what we do is forming community alliances. We are trying to find passionate people and investors who believe in our mission,” Bobo said.
Bobo encouraged the commission to let her know of any supporters who might be willing to invest in this educational opportunity for the county students. She already has support from Walmart, G&G Steel, RC&D, the Franklin County Community Development Commission, CB&S Bank and Bank Independent.
This is a 10-12-week program based around the “great American story,” Bobo said. Curriculum focuses on what it means to be a citizen, voting, veterans, immigration and military. A team of educators will go to each school to train the teachers on the material and provide them with resources to incorporate into their classrooms.
There will be a kick-off celebration at Belgreen High School in the fall, with the date yet to be determined.