RMS students seek to inspire others
Russellville Middle School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America students wanted to work on a project to share positivity and promote better attitudes among themselves and their peers at school – which led to a major club project, according to teacher Rachel Agee.
“I am so proud of my students and how they strive to spread kindness at school. We want all students to feel important and know they have value,” said Agee.
FCCLA students used technology to research ways to inspire students and chose to create an inspiration board for their peers to see as they walk the RMS halls.
“I enjoyed working on this project because I like to help people to see how amazing they are and give inspiration to others,” said Tianna Derrick.
They used the mobile lab to select quotes that were meaningful to them, and these quotes were printed and placed on the inspiration board. Students also selected a few quotes to hang in the bathrooms so when students wash their hands, they can read them and have positive mindsets heading to their next class.
“I enjoy being able to share kindness all over the school. I want to help other students to overcome their fears and be inspired,” said Jessica Tunchez Barrera.
Agee praised the RMS FCCLA students for using their minds and hearts in this service project for their campus.