Phil Campbell Elementary honors student’s memory
In December Phil Campbell Elementary School student Sylas Hardin passed away. In lieu of flowers, his family requested people make donations to the Franklin County Board of Education for a scholarship in his honor.
Students at Phil Campbell Elementary wanted to do something in his honor, too.
“We wanted to do what we could to support Sylas’ memory and the family,” said fourth-grade teacher Tracey Cook.
Cook was Sylas’ homeroom teacher. The fourth-grade classes decided to sell T-shirts as a way to raise money for the Sylas Hardin Scholarship.
“He loved school and always did his best,” Cook said. “He was well-liked by everybody and always encouraged everybody.”
The recipient of the scholarship will be a Phil Campbell High School senior. Applications must be filled out and turned in to be eligible for the scholarship.
Donations can be made to the Sylas Hardin Memorial Scholarship Fund and mailed to Franklin County Board of Education, P.O. Box 610, Russellville, AL 35653. Donations will also be accepted at PCES and PCHS.