Scale Back: Change proves hard, despite incentive
I love a good prize or bribe, so to tell you the truth, the potential to win something awesome was a big motivator for me to sign up for Scale Back Alabama – maybe as big as the thought of dropping a few pounds.
In my late teens I successfully lost 45 pounds through diet and exercise. I relied on daily treadmill and careful calorie counting, and a slow-and-steady slimdown was the result. So I know it can be done.
But since college I have gained back that weight and more, so I need Scale Back Alabama as much as anybody. I know I’m not alone – according to, Alabama has the fifth highest adult obesity rate in the nation. With consequences like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and more all stemming from obesity, I’m definitely taking this seriously, and if you’re participating along with me, I hope you and your teammate are taking it seriously too.
Here’s the thing, however: Change is hard.
It’s hard to get up earlier to make it to the gym. It’s hard to choose a piece of fruit rather than tater tots – one of my few small victories this week. It’s hard to say no to a Sunday afternoon milkshake – one of my many failures this week.
I still haven’t had the courage to see if the scale is showing any progress toward my goal of at least 10 pounds lost – the target to be entered for those cool prizes – because I’m pretty sure I haven’t put in enough work to see results.
Last week I did take the step of signing up for a water aerobics class. I have not, however, actually attended the class yet – and as we all know, whether you join a gym or purchase a set of hand weights, it doesn’t matter if you don’t put them to good use.
We still have the rest of February and all of March in the Scale Back challenge, and I don’t want to let this month and a half go to waste – or to waist, either. If you’ve had a hard time getting started, make a commitment with me now to make the next six and a half weeks count.
If you’re on a weight loss journey, either through Scale Back Alabama or your own plan, I would love you to share your best advice and encouragement.