Club Chronicles: Book Lovers Study Club reports 2018 achievements
The winter months are so cold, rainy and dreary; no wonder bears hibernate. However, it is a good time for us to catch up on reading and other projects that need to be completed inside before spring – and if you are a member of a federated club, January is the time to write reports and submit them to the state and national federation.
Book Lovers Study Club officers recently compiled data from the past year, which was used to prepare the club’s report. The community service projects included the arts, education, home life, public issues, conservation and international outreach.
All reports have to be mailed or postmarked by Feb. 1, 2019.
Book Lovers Study Club’s report included 72 projects completed; 6,757 volunteer hours by members; $3,600 donated; $20,285 in-kind dollars donated; $2,200 raised through fundraisers; and $3,200 donated to cancer survivors’ recovery.
The results of Book Lovers Study Club’s services to the community will be announced at the GFWC/AFWC convention in April as awards are presented.
Three members of Book Lovers – Patricia Cox, Cheri McCain and myself – serve on the GFWC Alabama Board of Directors. This Board consists of clubwomen throughout the state. They met in Birmingham for the winter board meeting at the AFWC Headquarters Feb. 1-2.
Some of the responsibilities of this Board are to review the AFWC Strategic Plan; approve the organization’s financial report; write and approve resolutions, bylaws and standing rules; and receive reports from state officers, CSP chairmen and committees. The Board also approves all activities of the State Federation.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.