Club Chronicles: Garden club sponsors poster contest
Cultura’s January meeting was held at the home of Gena Habig with Eva Diaz serving as co-hostess. The program title “What is the Difference Between Daffodil, Jonquil and Narcissus?” was presented by Debbie Beason.
There are new cultivars of daffodils introduced every year. These are often marketed under the name Narcissus, which is the scientific name for this group of plants. The difference between daffodil, jonquil and Narcissus depend on the region, while the rest of the answer is by cultivars and scientific classification.
Members were given a supplement sheet with more details. For more information on this topic, visit
Committee chairpersons gave their reports. Fundraising chair Debbie Nale discussed the details of the upcoming Bean Dinner scheduled for Feb. 21 at the A. W. Todd Center from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. The meal includes beans, slaw, cornbread, onion and brownie for $8. People may eat in or carry out. Tickets may be purchased from any garden club member.
Each year Cultura Garden Club sponsors the Smokey Bear Poster Contest. Information is distributed to students in first through fifth grades at Russellville West Elementary and Russellville Elementary School.
This is the 75th year of Smokey Bear. Rules are specifically outlined by the National Garden Clubs Inc. and the Forest Service. Several entries were submitted to Cultura, and the posters were judged by unbiased judges. Three winners – first, second and third – from each grade were selected. First-place winners received a $20 gift card, and their entry was submitted to the state chairman for judging. The second-place winners received $15 gift cards, and the third-place winners received $10 gift cards.
The five top poster winners of the State Garden Club competition are submitted to the regional garden club chairman for judging, and the national winners will be announced at convention.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.