100 Alabama Miles kicks off in Red Bay
The challenge is a statewide initiative that was founded to encourage Alabamians to get outside and explore all that the state has to offer with its natural resources and embrace healthier, more active lifestyles.
Many Franklin County citizens showed up in support of the challenge including Probate Judge Barry Moore, Chamber Director Cassie Medley and State Representative Johnny Mack Morrow. Red Bay Mayor Charlene Fancher welcomed everyone to the event, and Parks and Recreation Director Dean Hubbard lead the one-mile walk through Red Bay.
Statewide, the program is a partnership between The University of Alabama Center for Economic Development, Alabama Trails Commission, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, Lakeshore Foundation, Alabama Beverage Association, Jefferson County Department of Health, Governor’s Commission on Physical Fitness and Sports, AARP, Alabama Obesity Task Force, Alabama Department of Public Health and Alabama State Parks.
For more information on the program and local events and to participate online, visit 100alabamamiles.org.