Slowing down when life is moving fast
We’re in the middle of some pretty big transitions here at the Underwood house. Our schedule is even more chaotic than normal. And the truth is, we are all three exhausted.
I’ve said more than once, “I’m ready for things to slow down!”
The truth is, when I look at our calendar, life is going to keep moving fast for us for the next several months.
It’s easy to become consumed with accomplishing and doing in this world that has made busyness the measure of success.
What does the Bible say, though?
Scripture definitely admonishes us against laziness, but the Word of God is equally clear about resting. We need both. Rest is sweeter after hard work, and the tasks at hand are less of a burden if we’ve taken time to be still.
The busy seasons come to all of our lives. The challenge is to find those pockets of stillness in the midst of the crazy. Maybe, when we can’t stop the craziness completely, what we need to learn to do is carve out a few minutes throughout the day to be still – to stop everything and just be.
Here are a few ideas for how do just that:
Take deep breaths. This one seems pretty obvious, but it’s so good for us. When I feel myself getting anxious about all that needs to be done, or I can’t focus on what is next, I set a timer for one minute and just take good slow breaths in and out.
I’ve read several articles extolling the virtue of deep breathing. Not only does it help us create a mental break, this exercise is good for us physically as well.
Listen to a favorite song. Music can be a great way to embrace a moment of being still. Choose a favorite hymn or praise song and listen to it while being totally still with your eyes closed. Allow the melody to wash over you and the words to become your prayer.
Hug someone. Don’t laugh! This one is my favorite. Hugging is healthy! Hugging not only relaxes us, but it promotes the release of several important chemicals in our bodies. So go ahead, give someone a great big bear hug and know you are doing something good for yourself and the one you hug.
The pace of modern life can be excruciating. We weren’t created to run full speed at all times. Our bodies and minds can’t do it. Make time this week to slow down, even when life moves fast around you.