Career technical coordinator at RHS named to serve on state council
Mike Powell, career technical coordinator at Russellville High School, will serve on the board of directors of the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools.
As president of the Association of Career Technical Administrators, Powell will represent the ACTA affiliate’s members on the CLAS Board.
Powell said he is excited for the opportunity. “I’m looking forward to it. You really get to keep up with what’s going on … They have meetings during the year and a convention every year. They are big on professional development and offering those kinds of opportunities.”
Powell said being part of CLAS will be an effective way to stay informed and on top of issues facing school systems in Alabama, from legal principles to discipline measures and testing standards, as well as political movement at both the state and federal level. “They try to keep us abreast of what’s going on,” Powell said.
“We are excited and privileged to welcome Mike Powell to CLAS Board of Directors,” said CLAS executive director L. Earl Franks. “His tremendous leadership qualities are evident as he was selected to serve as president of the ACTA affiliate. Servant leadership is vital to the success of our association, and we sincerely appreciate Mike’s willingness to serve Alabama’s premier leadership organization as a representative of ACTA.”
Powell is beeginning his 30th year at Russellville City Schools.
CLAS was founded in 1969 by a small group of school leaders to provide targeted professional development and support for Alabama’s public school administrators. CLAS now serves 11 affiliates representing each type of public school/school system leader. Headquartered in Montgomery, CLAS provides the framework to connect dedicated school administrators and other successful leaders with a network for professional growth and support.