BTCPA elects new officers
The Bay Tree Council for the Performing Arts in Red Bay has elected a new group of officers and board members for the upcoming 2014-2015 season.
Officers are: Chairman-Mark Richardson, Vice-Chairman-Randy Mink, Treasurer-Heather Lanham, and secretary-Amanda Gober.
Other board members include: Carol Rogers, Shirley Watson, Judy Malone, Jan Page, Linda Massey, Daphne Murrell, Georgia Jeffreys, Matt Hester, Jerry Self, Jim Lichtenthaler, and Nathan Strickland.
The board is now in the process of deciding what plays to present in the next season. If you have any ideas for plays or if you are interested in directing for the BTCPA, please contact any board member or leave a message on the Facebook page, Bay Tree Council for the Performing Arts.
All performances for the BTCPA are preformed at Community Spirit Bank’s Weatherford Centre in Red Bay. The first production is scheduled for November 2014.