Golf match features county teams
By Bart Moss
For the FCT
On Monday, Twin Pines hosted a high school golf match coordinated by Colbert Heights High School.
The match featured 40 high school golfers from Deshler, Mars Hill, Colbert County, Cherokee, Tharptown and Red Bay.
There were 30 boys participating in the nine-hole match. Red Bay’s Isaiah Jackson led all golfers with a 37. He was followed by Mars Hill’s Ike Alexander (38) and John Moody (41).
Other boy’s scores from the Franklin County teams:
Red Bay – Drent Robbins (48), Brody Campbell (63), Bryant Nabors (65).
Tharptown – Tristen Tubb (46), Wyatt Fleming (52), Clay Hodge (63), Gant Dill (65).
There were 10 girls participants. Red Bay’s Anna Seahorn was the leading scorer shooting a 45. She was followed by Colbert Height’s E Dee Price (52) and Chelsea Thrasher (53).
Other girl’s scores from the Franklin County teams:
Red Bay – Kelly Miller (64).
Tharptown – Bailey Tubb (61).