Where has the time gone this season?
I routinely begin my week by discussing the high school match-ups coming up Friday night with my boss.
We discuss who will cover what game and any more logistics issues we will face that week.
As I was discussing yesterday’s plans, I realized that we were already in week five of the season.
Wait, what? Week five? Already? Didn’t the season start like two weeks ago?
But alas, the regular season is now half over.
I guess that is the price we pay for our beloved high school football.
Fans love to watch it and read about it, and I and my associates love to cover it.
Being a huge football fan and former player myself, it is one of my favorite (OK, it’s my favorite) sports.
I know I’m not alone in this sentiment. After all I am a native son of the great state of Alabama, and we do enjoy our football around these parts.
Seeing the end of the 10-week season come up so fast just reminds me how quickly my senior year flew by.
We only won two games that season (at Curry High school), but the time I spent on the gridiron under the stadium lights on Friday nights in the fall were worth everything I put into and endured for the sport.
That includes having a combined 5-29 record over the three seasons I played.
It also includes two partially torn ligaments in my left knee, an avulsion fracture in my left foot along with some broken bones, jammed thumbs and countless bruises.
All of these things, in the end, were totally worth it.
Football taught me many things. It certainly taught me how to be a tougher individual.
I also learned a lot about hard work, discipline, self-sacrifice for the greater good, teamwork and perseverance.
I don’t think anything will ever beat the feeling I got when I finished strapping on my pads, tied the laces on my cleats and buckled on my helmet as I left the locker room headed to the field.
I remember vividly hearing the sound of my cleats hit the pavement on the walk to the field, and the line of supporters who would high-five us along said walk.
They were telling us they were there in support of our efforts and were behind us all of the way, even if we did lose so many games.
Nothing really beats the experience of playing Friday night football.
Those who played the game will know what I am talking about, and the seniors of the 2012 season will likely soon find themselves without the game they love and have played for so many years.
It must be enjoyed while it lasts, because no one’s career lasts forever.
There are now five weeks left in the 2012 season. That gives the seniors of the Class of 2013 around Russellville and the rest of the county five more weeks (at least) to make a statement for their school, their communities and themselves.
It also gives them only five more weeks of guaranteed time to enjoy the sport they play and love.
Do not waste the time you have in high school playing football, because before you know it, it’s gone forever.