Fire association to give radios
Severe weather is something on everyone’s minds, especially during this time of year.
To help Franklin County citizens stay weather aware, the Franklin County Fire and Rescue Association, along with WHNT and Wal-Mart, held a drive on Friday to collect donations for weather radios.
“Our goal is to make sure everyone in Franklin County knows when bad weather is coming,” fire association president Michael Moomaw said. “The best thing anyone can do is be prepared.”
In addition to taking up donations, members of the fire association were also available to program old and new weather radios so the users would have the most up-to-date information.
“Our main concern is for the people in this county,” Moomaw said. “We all saw last April just how bad the weather can get and knowing when severe weather is headed your way is one of the best things you can do for your family.”
Moomaw said once donations have been collected, the fire association would be purchasing weather radios to distribute equally throughout the community to those in need.