PCHS students win Listerhill contest
Lee Taylor, spokesperson for Young and Free Alabama, passes out armbands to Phil Campbell High School students at Thursday’s “After School Ambush.”
Phil Campbell High School students have become the kings and queens of contests as they wrangled another win for their school this week in the “After School Ambush” contest sponsored by Young and Free Alabama powered by Listerhill Credit Union.
According to Young and Free Alabama spokesman Lee Taylor, the contest is a way to get students involved in the Young and Free Alabama program that is powered by Listerhill Credit Union.
The program is an ongoing effort to reach out to a younger demographic to better serve their unique financial needs and gain a greater understanding of what the 25-and-under crowd wants from a financial institution.
Students in high school fit the age range of target participants so Taylor said the After School Ambush was a way to get those high school students in Franklin, Colbert and Lauderdale counties interested in the program.
“Everyone loves contests and this is a texting contest, which is great for high school students,” Taylor said. “We have a list of all the schools in the area that have been given a keyword to participate in the contest and all they have to do is text in the keyword to an After School Ambush where we come in with Star 94.9 with games, food, music and prizes and have a free party in the parking lot.”
Taylor said in the first week of the After School Ambush, Phil Campbell High School blew the competition out of the water with a whopping 540 votes landing them the coveted parking lot party on Thursday afternoon.
“Phil Campbell did a great job getting those votes in,” Taylor said. “We were really impressed.”
Derrick Robinson, director of sales for Star 94.9 said they were glad to partner with Young and Free Alabama on this contest.
“We have Lee on the air with us every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and we agreed to promote the contest,” Robinson said. “Star 94 is a target demo for this age group so we were glad to help.”
Taylor said they would be hosting the contest for the next three weeks before they named the Ultimate After School Ambush winner, which will be the school that received the most voted throughout the contest.
This school will receive a special musical performance from up and coming pop and country singer Katie Armiger.
Taylor said any schools in the area can participate just by texting their school’s keyword to 22333. For a list of keywords or for more information go to http://www.youngfreealabama.com/2012-ambush/.