PCES helps other storm victims
PHIL CAMPBELL – Students and faculty at Phil Campbell Elementary School have been humbled and overwhelmed by the countless acts of love and support they have received since April 27.
From big gestures like state-of-the-art playgrounds to small gestures like handwritten cards from elementary children in other states, PCES Principal Jackie Ergle said no gesture went unnoticed.
That’s why when they discovered another elementary school in the state was in need, they didn’t hesitate in making the decision to “pay it forward.”
Ergle said they recently discovered there was a financial need at Center Point Elementary, which sustained damage during the outbreak of storms that affected many in Jefferson County where the school is located.
Ergle said those at PCES know all too well how hard it is to deal with the devastating affects of severe weather and wanted to do all they could to help.
“We have had so many people reach out to us when we needed it the most and it meant so much,” Ergle said. “Even though we may not be able to do a lot for this school, we wanted to do everything we could.”
Ergle said she informed the faculty, students and parents about the need in Center Point and officially kicked off the “Give a Helping Hand to Center Point Elementary” campaign on Feb. 1.
Ergle said each teacher has a container in his or her classroom and students have given monetary donations as they have been able.
“We wanted to do this for those kids because we got hit by a tornado, too,” third-grade student Austin Baker said. “We know what they’re going through.”
“The students have all been very excited about helping out another school,” Ergle said. “I’m very proud of them for remembering how others helped us and for wanting to help others in turn.”