Robotics team wins again
Members of the RCS Engineering team posed for a picture during their stay at Auburn University this past weekend for the South’s BEST Robotics Championship.
The RCS Engineering team has taken the Russellville City Schools’ motto, “A Tradition of Excellence,” and turned it into their mission this past semester.
After winning first place at the Northwest Alabama BEST Hub regional competition on Oct. 22, the team traveled to Auburn University this past weekend to compete in the South’s BEST Robotics Championship and received first place for their website, which is managed by eighth-grader Charlie Gordon.
Team sponsor Lee Brownell said he was proud of the win and for the effort and hard work the students have put into the past two competitions.
“Our team competed against the 50 best robotics teams east of the Mississippi River, and to win first place for our website was a great accomplishment considering the competition we were up against,” he said.
Brownell said a shorted-out wire caused the team to fall behind in the head-to-head robotics competition, but the students still excelled and gained good experience for future competitions.
“All in all, the team had a great time and learned a great deal,” he said. We are very appreciative of all the community support we had and we hope to do it all again next year.”
RCS Engineering will now be focusing on their participation in NASA’s 19th annual Great Moonbuggy Race at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville on April 13 and 14 where students will be required to design a vehicle that addresses a series of engineering problems that are similar to problems faced by the original moonbuggy team.
They were also one of 17 schools selected to compete in the upcoming Real World Design Challenge and will be preparing for that competition as well.
To keep up with the RCS Engineering program or to visit the award-winning website, visit