PCHS Junior Civitans hold coat drive
Thanks to the hard work of a group of Phil Campbell High School students, several hundred county residents will be able to be a little warmer this winter.
The Phil Campbell Junior Civitan Club held a coat drive two weeks ago, collecting more than 200 coats that were handed out to county residents in need.
The group collected the coats from several churches in the area, including more than 100 from North Highlands Church of Christ in Russellville and many more from Waldrop Church in Haleyville.
The coats were collected over a two-week period and were distributed at the Ground Zero Rescue Mission in Phil Campbell. The coats that were not handed out were given to the mission.
Junior Civitan Club sponsor Amy Gunderman said the project started as a way to help those who lost their winter coats in April’s tornado, but was open to anyone in need.
The Junior Civitan Club at Phil Campbell consists of 80 members, including the North Alabama District Governor, Jamie Dorroh.
“These kids wanted to help our community and this was a way of doing that,” Gunderman said.
“I am proud of these students for their work and for volunteering their time to help others.”