BHS duo sign with UAH track
Belgreen’s Katelin Barber, front row left, and Emily Davidson, front row right, signed with the University of Alabama-Huntsville’s track program Monday. The two have combined to win 11 state titles in track at the high school level. Also shown are , from left, Tony Barber, Donna Barber, Kim Davidson and Nathan Davidson.
BELGREEN — When Katelin Barber won the state title in the 100-meters during her eighth grade year she knew her future was in track.
When Emily Davidson spent time during her seventh grade year running around her grandfather’s farm she knew she enjoyed distance running.
Monday afternoon the pair of Belgreen seniors, who have combined to win 11 individual state titles in various track events, dedicated themselves to the sport they love by signing track scholarships with the University of Alabama-Huntsville.
Davidson, who helped get the cross-country program started at Vina before transferring to Belgreen for her senior year, will also run cross-country for the Chargers.
“Ever since the eighth grade I’ve had my mind made up to go to college for track,” said Barber.
Barber has won the 100-meters every year since her eighth grade season with the exception of her freshman season when she was injured. Her sophomore year she set the state record in the event with a time of 12.07 seconds. She has also won a title in the 200-meters.
She said she likes the adrenaline rush of short-distance races. She also likes that it is more of an individual sport.
“If you mess up, everybody is not mad at you,” Barber said.
Davidson, who specializes in long-distance events, has captured three titles in the 3,200-meters, a pair of titles in the 1,600-meters and one championship in the 800-meters. Despite that success, Davidson says she enjoys cross-country more.
“I like not running around in circles on pavement,” Davidson said. “Also it’s not as hot, so that’s a plus.”
Both runners had their own reasons for selecting UAH.
Barber said she liked the school because it is close to home and not too big. Davidson likes the track coach and feels UAH is the best place for her to improve as a runner.
Davidson said her biggest goal for her freshman year is to shave her times down and avoid injuries.
Barber and Davidson are both happy to be continuing their careers. Barber calls it a blessing and Davidson says she is thankful to her family and God for giving her the opportunity and ability to be a successful runner.
Davidson said it is also nice to be rewarded for the hard work she and Barber have put into becoming state championship runners.
“It takes dedication,” Davidson said. “If you don’t put in the miles, you won’t improve. You have to be willing to give up other stuff.”