Bass bites picking up
Fishing conditions continue to improve as bass move into full spawn mode.
Bass in the 12-to-14-inch range have been fairly easy to catch. The quality bite has come in 6 to 10 feet of water, targeting shallow vegetation and gravel bars.
The best baits have tube baits, lipless crankbaits, and shallow running crankbaits.
I look for improved fishing with Texas rigged worms and lizards over the next few weeks and well into June. Remember to work the Texas rigged baits slowly, during the spawning time of year.
Moving on to bigger and better tasting fish, catfish are starting their move toward being easily caught. For all you catfisherman the best thing you can do to improve your catch on your next fishing trip is to change your fishing line prior to going fishing.
I have seen more people discover their fishing line is no good while catfishing than any other fishing trip. The way a catfish pulls and rolls against you is one reason to have your fishing line in good condition prior to an outing.
Cut bait has been producing the best bite so far this year. Chicken livers and night crawlers will soon be the bait of choice.
I can’t wait until the next fish fry.
Always consult your state and local laws prior to hunting or fishing, and be safe. We will continue to update weekly on local Hunting and Fishing reports.
Joseph Gallagher is the Outdoors Columnist for The Franklin County Times. He can be reached at