Students learn through career day
By Staff
Nathan Strickland
PHIL CAMPBELL – A wide-range of careers was shown to Phil Campbell elementary students on Friday as skilled professionals went from room to room sharing their career experiences. Six volunteers took the time to share with 3rd-6th grade students what it is like to thrive in a respected career and what it takes to reach each specific career.
PCES students heard from a variety of different careers, including: community corrections, H&R block representative, park ranger, ECM scrub tech, a state trooper and a teacher of Family and Consumer Science.
PCES Principal Jackie Ergle said the reason behind having a day directed towards careers shows children what is available when they grow up.
Ergle said they rotate careers each year to see what students may really be interested in.
The career of the day that seemed to spark student’s interest was Eddie Marbutt, who serves as a park ranger. The reason he grabbed the attention of students is because Marbutt is also a professional snake wrangler and brought a live snake to the school with him.
PCES Counselor Laura Voyles organized the event and believes it is important to show kids as many careers as possible so that they will know what is out there.
Voyles said she tries to get at least six to eight volunteers every year to come and share with the students. Northwest-Shoals has been a big contributor in the past helping out with the students, but Voyles said it is also important to teach the kids about trade schools and other traits for those who may not think college is for them.