Nerves setting in
By Staff
Nathan Strickland
Days have flown by since my wife took the pregnancy test and turned to me and told me we are going to have a baby.
We are slowly getting closer to March, along with the due date, which is set for April 12. I’ve noticed that lots of people who have had babies didn’t make it to their due date, so to me that means the date for delivery is even closer. There are moments where I think I wish my daughter were already here because the anticipation is stressing me out.
My wife and I have lots of people who like to tell us what their experience through pregnancy was like and how we have no idea how much our life is about to change. We laugh about the weird things people say. For example someone would explain children to us like “Yall are in for a rude awakening. You get no sleep, the baby will consume your every waking minute, you can’t get anything done, it will take longer to go places, they are just trouble,” then the funny part comes, “But I wouldn’t trade anything for mine.” Why do people describe all of the horrible things and then end it by saying its not that bad?
My wife and I just think its funny. Some other things people like to comment on include delivery room experience and the name. The ones who know my wife will understand when I say she has no tolerance for pain. I tell her when we get to the delivery room I am going to tell the doctor to giver her every drug he’s got because I know it will be tough for her.
As far as names are concerned I really believe that no matter what name is chosen someone is going to comment on it. I believe we could name our daughter Sue and people would comment on how plain that name sounds. Well here is the deal, the name we picked out is London Journey Strickland and that’s just the way it is. Our baby, our name and we really don’t care who likes it or who hates it. We enjoyed going through the process of picking the name and decided we like distinctive and unique names and this is what jumped out at us. If you don’t like her name then you don’t have to see her, and that will be a shame because believe me if she looks anything like my wife she will be beautiful. There I’ve said my peace. Until next time, Later Dayz…