HOSA Club attends convention
By Staff
Melissa Cason, Franklin County Times
The Franklin County Career Technical Center's Health Science Association (HOSA) Club recently attended the state HOSA Convention in Arab.
Belgreen, Tharptown and Red Bay High Schools attended the convention this year.
Competitors from Belgreen High School were awarded second and third place in three competitions: Growth and Development; the HOSA Banner competition, and the Dental Spelling competition.
Competitors from Red Bay placed in four competitions: Health Science Career Display competition; third in the Dental Terminology; second in Personal Care and Medical Terminology-Spelling competition.
Franklin County Career Technical Center had two students competing for state offices: Tamara Burleson for Northern District Vice-President and Jon Campbell for HOSA State President.
Both students attend Red Bay High School.
Campbell took the State President slot at the convention for the 2007-2008 school year. He will be traveling to Orlando, Fla. in June to represent the state of Alabama at the National HOSA Convention.
All students who competed and placed in the State Competition will also be.. traveling to Orlando to the National HOSA convention in June.
This is a great honor for the Franklin County Students.
"Franklin County was well represented and this was a great honor for these students [to be place and be elected into office]," Kay Hargett, Franklin County Health Science teacher said.