Tax day ends busy time for many
By Staff
Jonathan Willis FCT Staff Writer
Today will be one of the busiest days of the year for the United States Postal Service.
Millions of Americans will be filing in and out of post offices across the country sending off their taxes at the last minute.
For Joe Tucker, a local accountant, the tax rush began a little earlier.
Waiting for the April 15 deadline to file federal and state taxes has become routine for millions of Americans.
For accountants, the late rush is so overwhelming that they actually have to turn clients away.
Wilcher said that the Post Office will be so busy that extra help will be brought in to help sort the outgoing tax files.
The Russellville office will also help the distribution center by post-marking much of the outgoing mail, which had already begun to pile up earlier in the week.
To help make the tax season a little easier in 2006, Tucker said that there are a few things that people can do.