Tharptown Baptist to begin new ministry for skateboarding youth
By Staff
Jonathan Willis FCT Staff Writer
When Gary Montgomery began to look for new avenues of ministering to the youth of the area, he was drawn to an approach much different than those that had been previously used. So, along with his men's mission group at Tharptown Baptist Church, they built skateboard ramps.
With an ever-increasing popularity of skateboarding and extreme sports, he saw a possibility to minister.
The church will be hosting a skateboard demonstration and competition Saturday, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Lee Sports Complex in Russellville.
The event will feature Santa Barbara, Calif., based professional skateboarders Tom Fain and Michael Betts, who will be talking to students at Tharptown Junior High School and Russellville High School today.
Groups from Florence and Athens have both stated their plans to attend, as well as what could be a large number of local skateboarders.
The opportunities that this ministry provide are new to this area, but something that Martin hopes will leave a lasting impact.
Montgomery has also asked local police officers to attend in an effort to unite the community.
The professional skateboarders will be putting on demonstrations throughout the day, culminating in a contest by the participants.