Spec building a good step to recruiting industry
By Staff
According to a press release this week from the Franklin County Industrial Board, the Board recently approved the solicitation of proposals from all municipalities and industrial boards within Franklin County for possible site locations for a spec building. A spec building is a building with an open floor plan and available wiring and other necessities that industries use to quickly move into an area and begin operation. Currently, Franklin County does not have a spec building, and many local officials have agreed that building one would enhance the area's chances of luring industry. It's a chicken-or-egg argument, really…we need the money to build a building, but we need industry to provide the money, but the industry needs the building. Ultimately, the building has to be considered an investment in the future of the area.
We agree. This project will cost money, but it would be money well-spent if an industry should make the decision to locate within Franklin County because we have a building ready for them to move in.
We applaud the Franklin County Industrial Board for its tireless efforts to lure industry to Franklin County. Here's hoping their efforts continue to be successful.