More dances to be held in Phil Campbell
By Staff
Mike Self FCT Staff Writer
Mayor Jerry Mays and the Phil Campbell city council reported at Tuesday night's regular meeting the purchase of four tables and 24 chairs for the community center.
The tables and chairs were purchased from Star Printing and are already in use at the center.
Also, the council voted to allow the Joe King Band to hold a dance at the community center every Tuesday night under the same conditions as the agreement the city has with Sounds of Country, which holds a dance at the center every Saturday night.
Under those terms, the band must pay a deposit to reserve the center, and then one dollar per person attending the dance goes to the city. The dance, the first of which was held this past Tuesday, is open to the public.
In other business, councilman Kerry Cooper reported that a couple of former firefighters had recently turned in their turnout gear. Two meetings ago, Mays announced that the city was prepared to take legal action to ensure the return of thousands of dollars worth of turnout gear that was still in the possession of several inactive firefighters.
In other business, the council voted to obtain pricing on lawnmower equipment for the street department.
Also, the council reported that "No Loitering" signs have been ordered for the new ball park.
The council also announced that all the street lights currently out in the city have been reported to the Alabama Power Company.
In other business, the council announced that a $600 rental fee for fire hydrants has been waived by the water board.
Finally, the council passed a motion to pay the bills.