50 Years Ago
By Staff
Folsom to Appoint New Circuit Judge
Appointment of a successor to Judge Harold V. Hughston of the 31st Judicial Circuit by Gov. James E. Folsom was awaited this week after the former resigned early this week.
Judge Hughston, prominent and widely-respected for his service in the Franklin-Colbert County circuit, resigned to become legal counsel for Southern Sash of Sheffield as of February 1.
Chairman Urges Funds to Knock Out Polio
It isn't "infantile" paralysis anymore.
In the past 10 years, the ratio of polio patients over 19 years of age has nearly doubled.
Even more alarming is the fact that adults, when stricken, are more likley to have the more serious, crippling form of polio.
William C. Hester, campaign director of the Franklin County March of Dimes, points out that although the development of the Salk vaccine has brought a new ray of hope into the polio picture, its value as preventive medicine will not be known for some months.
Some day, polio will take its place with yellow fever and the bubonic plague as a scourge of the past.