50 Years Ago…
By Staff
1955 Duck Dinner Given in Red Bay
About 90 persons gathered at the Red Bay Hotel Monday night for the annual duck dinner given by Dr. Z.L. Weatherford for directors and employees of the Bank of Red Bay.
Dr. Weatherford is president of the bank.
The affair brought out leading bankers from Franklin County, Nashville, Memphis, Montgomery, Birmingham and Mississippi.
State Sen. Lawrence K. "Snag" Andrews, Union Springs, entertained the diners with a repertoire of after-dinner stories.
Courthouse Bonds Sell at Low Interest Rate
Franklin County officials were enthused this week at the low interest rate of 1.75 percent obtained in sale of $21,000 of the $295,000 bond issue for the new courthouse.
Some $274,000 in bonds already were sold Jan. 5 to Hugh, Marx &Co., Birmingham, upon low bid submitted by envelope.
Fire Report Shows Less Loss in 1954
December's scattered showers may get some credit for the decrease in fires in December when only five were reported. The preceding month recorded 28 fires, according to the report of Forest Ranger C.N. McKinney.
A total of 32.2 acres were burned in December, with the damage totalling $128.08. This compares with four fires in December 1953, which burned 21.8 acres for $205.52 damage.
Total number of fires in 1954 was 140, accounting for 2,336.8 acres burned, and damage in the amount of $24,709.14. While 1953 recorded only two more fires, damage was nearly three times as great. Some 7,489 acres were burned, and a loss of $61,536.10 incurred.
Local Doctors Attend Meeting in Montgomery
Dr. W.W. Wilson and Dr. J.B. Anderson will go to Montgomery Jan. 15 to attend a meeting of the Alabama Chapter of the American College of Surgeons.
The day-long meeting will feature talks by outstanding Alabama surgeons as well as authorities from other states.