Phil Campbell council hires police officer
By Staff
Mike Self FCT Staff Writer
Phil Campbell mayor Jerry Mays announced at last Tuesday's city council meeting that Andy Marbutt has been hired as a police officer.
Marbutt signed a three-year contract with the city and will attend police academy in Montgomery in January.
In other business, the council voted to participate in the Emergency Management Agency and Hazardous Materials program.
The council will make a yearly donation of $750 to the program, and the city will receive services from the E.M.A. and Haz-Mat team.
The council also passed a motion mandating regular eight-hour work days for sanitation employees. The employees will work eight-hour days and be paid for eight-hour days.
In other business, the council voted to purchase new equipment for the street department.
Councilman Willard Pace informed the mayor and council that the Park and Recreation Board has drawn up rules and regulations governing the use of the practice fields at the new Roger Bedford Sports Complex, located just off Hwy. 81.
Pace also reported that the city's Christmas parade was a huge success with a very good turnout. Finally, the council passed a motion to pay the bills. The next meeting of the council will be on Tuesday, Jan. 4.