NAA Man Points Up Water Needs
By Staff
Russellville's need for an adequate water supply was pointed up again last week when Frank Wilson, representative of North Alabama Associates, Decatur, told members of The Industrial Committee, "That's your number one problem."
Mr. Wilson met with the group, which serves for the Chamber of Commerce, to explain the functions of North Alabama Associates in its efforts to locate and sell new industry on North Alabama and its relation to Russelvlille.
Mayor Says Gas, Water Due in '56
Russellville can expect to have enough water to serve a town of 30,000 by mid-1956 and natural gas by July, 1956…
So spoke Mayor Hayes Malone in a report to the Chamber of Commerce at its annual banquet last Friday night.
Paralleling Chamber reports for hopes of industrial expansion, Mayor Malone told Chamber members and guests that the city must obtain several things before new industry can be expected.
A.B. Woods is Chosen to Lead C of C
A.B. Woods, Jr., Russellville automobile dealer, has been installed as president of the Chamber of Commerce for 1955.
Mr. Woods' election was announced at the Chamber's annual banquet last Friday night when Dr. James L. Brakefield, Birmingham insurance company executive, stressed the values of human relations in the operation of a successful Chamber of Commerce.
New directors include E.J. Miller, vice-president; Edmond Craddock, J.M. Clark, Jack Floyd, and J.G. Sanders.
Union Wins Sixth Place in District Progress Event
Franklin County's Union community was named sixth-place winner in District 1 Monday night at a dinner in Birmingham honoring Alabama's top rural communities for their improvement in the past year.
Attending to receive the award were Elmer Davis, president; Tom W. Morgan, vice-president; and Fletcher Sission, secretary-treasurer.