ICCC Maps Plans to Promote City
By Staff
A constitution and by-laws were adopted by The Industrial Committee for the
Chamber of Commerce last week as the group set up standing committees and prepared to launch a program for building a better Russellville.
The groups were set up in order to plan preparatory projects for "putting Russellville's house in order" to be ready to receive new industry and promote better relations with those already located here.
Franklin Scouts Cited As 'Best in Council'
The Boy Scouts of Franklin County were cited as possibly the best group of the Tenneessee Valley Council at their annual banquet which was held Tuesday night in the Russellville Elementary School cafeteria.
W.E. Bowen was installed as district chairman for 1955.
The Rockwood troop gave the opening ceremony of Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the Boy Scout pledge.