Suqualena Community Development Club
By Staff
July 7, 2004
The Suqualena Community Development Club met for its regular monthly meeting on June 28. The meeting was presided over by the president, the Rev. Jimmie Gunn.
Bill Rushing led the members in The Pledge of Allegiance, which was followed by a devotion from Jene Jones. She used the Methodist Upperroom devotional with scripture from the book of Mark. She said that she was thankful that they lived in a community of loving and caring people.
The Revs. Gunn and Gross gave an updated on the sick in our churches and community.
JoAnn Kimbrell introduced the speaker for the meeting. Barbara Wells from the Senior Citizen Center gave a very interesting and informative talk. She said that the center is open to anyone in our area, not just Meridian residents, and that younger adults were welcome also.
She told of the many programs that are available, all types of arts and crafts, pool cards, gardening and exercise. She invited everyone to come visit the center. She then opened the floor for questions and answer time. She said the center is open from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.
Secretary Robin Johnson read the minutes and the financial report was given by treasurer, Pat Smith. Both were approved. It was reported that members delivered 17 meals to sick shut-ins and others in need. Four cards were sent to the over 80 group. Eye glasses, stamps, cell phones, magazines, pop tops and the Box Tops for Education and soup labels were collected.
The Rev. Gross reported on the trip to Dunns Falls that some of the club members made. He said that the water was high but all agreed that they they enjoyed the trip.
Harriet Earby was awarded the Yard of the Month honors.
Annette Palmer reported that there is mulch ready to be scattered on the walking trail. She also reported on the beautiful memorial service at the Grove Walking Trail and Heritage Plaza on May 30.
It was announced that the next meeting will be on July 26 and will be the annual family and membership drive picnic. The time will be at 6:30 p.m. at the club building.
Report submitted
by Norma Cooksey