Residents encouraged to attend community health forums
By Staff
special to The Star
May 12, 2004
Health care forums set for next month will give residents in Newton, Neshoba, Clarke and Kemper counties a chance to discuss health care issues and concerns they may have.
The four counties are a part of the East Central Healthcare Network, or EC-Health-Net.
This network is still in the formation stage. But work has begun, after receiving almost $90,000 in federal grant money, to initiate a planning grant to improve medical services for local residents.
The planned forums:
June 7 3 p.m.-5 p.m. at H.C. Watkins Memorial Hospital in Quitman and 7 p.m.-9 p.m. at Neshoba County General Hospital in Philadelphia.
June 8 10 a.m.-noon at the Business Incubator in DeKalb and 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. at East Central Community College in Decatur.
Refreshments will be provided at each forum.
The planning team will use data collected at the forums in a planning retreat designed to help guide the future of local health care.
For more information on these forums or to learn more about the East Central Health-Net, contact Tim Thomas (601) 683-2031.